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  • A Streetcar Named Desire

    A Streetcar Named Desire

    The film adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ classic play, starring Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter, Vivian Leigh and Karl Malden had everyone since yelling: “STELLA!”. Of course, the way we do it is – slightly different. We think the young folks will enjoy it – of course, we’ve always depended upon the strangeness of kinders. . . . Don’t like our version? Shame on you. Get the original here: A Streetcar Named Desire.

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  • Pirates Of Penzance

    Pirates Of Penzance

    Gilbert and Sullivan would be proud! Okay – maybe not. Either way, here’s the Rubber Chicken Players version of the Pirates Of Penzance.

    Everybody sing! Arrr!

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  • Death Of A Salesman

    Death Of A Salesman

    Arthur Miller’s classic stage play is given new life by the Rubber Chicken Players.

    Sorry, Arthur.

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